Support for International Students

At Seijoh University, international students either study in the Faculty of Business Administration or in the Special Course for International Students. A total of 231 international students currently study in the Faculty of Business Administration (as of May 1, 2022). The students come from China, Taiwan, Korea, Mongolia, Vietnam, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Malaysia, Cambodia, and Uzbekistan. International students at Seijoh University are supported by teachers and office staff from our International Center.


We offer access to a variety of scholarships provided by the University and other third-party institutions.

1. Scholarships at Seijoh University

In the Faculty of Business Administration, the following scholarship systems are available for privately financed international students who meet certain requirements:

  • Enrollment Scholarship: ?100,000

  • Life Support Scholarship: ?250,000/year

  • Academic Excellence Scholarship: ?150,000/year

In addition, privately financed international students can access special Seijoh University scholarships (Meitoku Scholarship/Academic Excellence Student Scholarship), which may be used in combination with other scholarships.

2. Scholarships from outside the University

We will provide information to help students apply for scholarships provided by third-party institutions where required. We also hold briefing sessions and help students fill out the documents and prepare for interviews.

日本学生支援機構 学習奨励費
公益財団法人日本国際教育支援協会 JEES日本語教育普及
公益財団法人平和中島財団 外国人留学生奨学生
公益財団法人市原国際奨学財団 奨学金
公益財団法人横山国際奨学財団 奨学金
公益財団法人大幸財団 育英奨学生
公益財団法人朝鮮奨学会 奨学金

Career Development/Job Hunting Support

Seijoh University provides the following support with career development and Japanese language skills to help our international students think, make decisions, and act independently toward their career goals:

  • Provision of courses for levels N1 & N2 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (supplementary classes)

  • Provision of courses to support job hunting: Career Support I & II - International Student Class (career development support); Business Japanese I & II

  • Support with internships

  • Company briefings and exchange meetings for international students

  • Individualized support including assistance with résumé/entry sheets and interviews

At Seijoh University, full-time Japanese instructors who are qualified career consultants (two in the Faculty of Business Administration and one in the Special Course for International Students) work with staff from the Career Support Office to assist students with internships and job hunting.


University Support: Aiming for 100% Employment

Our goal is to help students develop "eight strengths"--initiative, collaboration, execution, ideation, planning, persuasion, communication, and insight--and we also provide support with career development. Moreover, staff at the Self-Development Center and Career Support Office are available to talk to students about their individual wishes and situations. Individualized support is provided continuously over four years, and while working together with the seminar teachers, we will be available to give advice and assist with job hunting to help students realize their dreams and improve their skills. We have established an environment where fine-tuned support is provided in small groups.

Years 1--4

One-on-one meetings and job-hunting consultations

Faculty and staff from the Self-Development Center are available to provide advice from the first year through to graduation. Please feel free to consult us at any time if you wish to practice for an interview, have your résumé corrected, or check your etiquette with a view to taking an internship or finding a job.

Year 3

Career Support I & II

In the third year, we support students as they prepare to choose their future paths and take employment exams, helping them build an understanding of corporate culture, conduct self-analysis, study industries and occupations, and understand the job-hunting process.


As part of our curriculum, we offer an internship through which students can experience work in a company.

Job-Hunting Support Seminar

In the third year, as students get ready to focus on finding a job, we provide a variety of seminars aimed at supporting job hunting. Students learn how to behave as a working adult while acquiring skills needed for successful job applicants, through activities such as practice interviews group discussions.

Years 3 & 4

Company Briefing Sessions

We invite companies where students are looking to be hired and companies that have hired Seijoh students in the past, and hold company briefing sessions at the University. This is a great opportunity that can even lead directly to a job.

Support with Qualifications

In the Faculty of Business Administration, we provide support for acquiring various skills and qualifications while enrolled at the University to help students enhance their practical skills.


公認会計士、 日商簿記2、3級、 ビジネス会計2、3級、 FP(ファイナンシャル?プランニング)技能士2、3級、 年金アドバイザー、 証券外務員、 リテールマーケティング(販売士)、 色彩検定、 TOEIC、 秘書検定準1、2、3級、 MOS(Word、Excel、PowerPoint)、 Illustrator、 Photoshop、WEBクリエーター、 CAD、 ITパスポート、 社会保険労務士、 宅建士、 行政書士、 日本語能力試験N1、N2

Graduate Destinations

卒業年月 卒業留学生数 日本国内就職 進学?帰国?その他
2018年度 19名 14名(73.7%) 5名(26.3%)
2019年度 29名 15名(51.7%) 14名(48.3%)
2020年度 34名 19名(55.9%) 15名(44.1%)


日本国内企業就職 阿波工業株式会社、株式会社オンデーズ、株式会社サガミホールディングス、サンラリーグループ、株式会社大同ライフサービス、株式会社TDモバイル、株式会社トピア、株式会社中西製作所、株式会社ニトリ、株式会社不二屋、株式会社丸野、株式会社 御木本真珠島、株式会社リブ?マックス、株式会社ロイヤル など
日本国内大学院進学 名古屋大学、大阪大学、愛知県立大学、名古屋市立大学、國學院大學、情報セキュリティ大学院大学、専修大学、愛知大学、愛知学院大学、愛知工業大学、中京大学、名古屋経済大学、名城大学、関西学院大学、同志社大学、立命館大学 など


International Student Council

In the Faculty of Business Administration, we provide support for acquiring various skills and qualifications while enrolled at the University to help students enhance their practical skills.

At Seijoh University, all international students are members of the International Student Council. The International Student Council organizes events and provides support for international students. The events also provide opportunities for exchange with Japanese students as well as faculty members and staff. Many international students participate the events, which are a great opportunity to make fun memories together.

Many international students also take an active part in community volunteer activities. In doing so, they contribute to promoting internationalization in local communities and building a multicultural society.
Details of events and international student activities are posted on the SEIJOH NEWS section of our website.

Events by the International Student Council:
Welcome party for new students, sports day, country culture introduction days, bus tours, speeches at the university festival, Christmas party, etc.



【東海市 市制50周年】


